Citation: | Leal-Junior A, Avellar L, Biazi V, Soares MS, Frizera A et al. Multifunctional flexible optical waveguide sensor: on the bioinspiration for ultrasensitive sensors development. Opto-Electron Adv 5, 210098 (2022). doi: 10.29026/oea.2022.210098 |
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Supplementary information for Multifunctional flexible optical waveguide sensor: on the bioinspiration for ultrasensitive sensors development |
Schematic representation of the sensor structure with the frame and radial elements. Figure also shows the mechanical representation of the structure with a mass on the center.
(a) Schematic representation of the core/cladding fabrication steps. (b) Representation of the batteries and µLED assembly in the structure, which is used as the light source of the optical system and proof mass of the structural design. Figure also shows a photograph of the BioMFOS.
Optical and mechanical characterizations of the resins (photocurable and PDMS resins). Transmittance spectra, Stress-strain curves, and DMA results are presented.
Transmitted optical power (converted into voltage in the photodetector unit) as a function of the applied force in different positions of the PDMS matrix. Figure also shows the force sensitivity of the sensors.
(a) Comparison between the BioMFOS responses (of three radial elements) and IMU for different positions/orientations in 3D plane. The directions of the orientation planes (roll, pitch, and yaw) are also shown. Figure inset shows the positions of the radial elements used in these tests. (b) Optical signal variation of 3 radial elements (sensors 1 to 3) as a function of the finger position, markers and bars represent the mean and standard deviation of the tests, respectively.
(a) Respiration rate assessment using the BioMFOS. (b) Trunk position classification using the BioMFOS integrated into clothing and PCA results for each trunk position.