Citation: | Feng HG, Chen X, Zhu RZ et al. Seeing at a distance with multicore fibers. Opto-Electron Adv 7, 230202 (2024). doi: 10.29026/oea.2024.230202 |
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Supplementary information for Seeing at a distance with multicore fibers |
Concept diagram of Multicore Fiber Acquisition and Transmission Image System (MFAT). (a) Different modes in different channels of a multicore fiber are excited by different incident angles of light (in red and yellow). (b) Directly acquired image of the proximal end face of a multicore fiber. The red region of interest zooms in on the detail of a fiber core. The yellow and orange circles divide two different areas for decoding. (c) Workflow of traditional optical fiber-based image acquisition and transmission and MFAT.
Principle and implementation of MFAT. (a) The whole process of MFAT: image acquisition, encoding, multi-channel parallel transmission, and decoding. (b) Calibration and solving process based on digital aperture decoder. The yellow and orange circles indicate example averaging regions for full-aperture and center-aperture images, respectively. (c) Optical setup in experiments. The real image on the screen is displayed on the distal of the multicore fiber by a scaled combination of lens1 (f1 = 12 mm) and objective lens1 (50×). The pattern at the proximal of the multicore fiber is projected on the image sensor by a lens2 (f2 = 30 mm) and an objective lens2 (40×).
Direct transmission performance of simple images. (a) Left: Patterns at the output of a multicore fiber after a transmission distance of 10 m for images of different resolutions and the reconstruction results after digital aperture decoding. The Structure Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) and fidelity decrease with increasing image resolution. Right: SSIM reconstruction results for all test images. (b) Left: Transmission and reconstruction results at an ultra-long distance (1010 m). Right: SSIM reconstruction results for all test images. Sparse images can be fully reconstructed. The intensity of the record is normalized.
Results of multidimensional image transfer and reconstruction. (a) Natural grayscale images are transferred and reconstructed by MFAT as a result. Two polarization (P1 and P2) end-maps are recorded and the intensity is normalized. 5×5-pixel grayscale maps can be completely reconstructed by 100%. (b) The results of the acquisition and reconstruction of RGB trichromatic images. Two polarization (P1 and P2) end-maps are recorded for decoding. 5×5-pixel color maps can be accurately reconstructed.
Results of high-quality encoded transmission. (a) Flow chart of high-quality MFAT-based encoded acquisition and transmission. The cloud storage address of high-definition images is encoded into seven 6×6-pixel 2D maps for transmission via MCF. Fast access is possible based on the reconstructed address. (b) Quality of transmission reconstruction with different encoding sizes.
(a) Some bias exists in the reconstruction of a single polarization or wavelength channel when the complexity of the transmitted image is greater than the transmission capacity. P1 and P2 represent two different polarization directions. λ1 and λ2 are red and green channels. More channels are developed to constrain finding the optimal solution. (b) Simulation results of reconstruction with different algorithms at different noise levels. (c) Correlation coefficients of images acquired at different temperatures. (d) The feature values correspond to different images at 25 °C. (e) Deviation of the feature values from the standard feature values at different temperatures.