Tan DZ, Sun K, Li ZL, Xu BB, Qiu JR. Photo-processing of perovskites: current research status and challenges. Opto-Electron Sci 1, 220014 (2022). doi: 10.29026/oes.2022.220014
Citation: Tan DZ, Sun K, Li ZL, Xu BB, Qiu JR. Photo-processing of perovskites: current research status and challenges. Opto-Electron Sci 1, 220014 (2022). doi: 10.29026/oes.2022.220014

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Photo-processing of perovskites: current research status and challenges

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  • The past two decades have seen a drastic progress in the development of semiconducting metal-halide perovskites (MHPs) from both the fundamentally scientific and technological points of view. The excellent optoelectronic properties and device performance make perovskites very attractive to the researchers in materials, physics, chemistry and so on. To fully explore the potential of perovskites in the applications, various techniques have been demonstrated to synthesize perovskites, modify their structures, and create patterns and devices. Among them, photo-processing has been revealed to be a facile and general technique to achieve these aims. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of photo-processing of perovskites and summarize the recent progress in the photo-processing of perovskites for synthesis, patterning, ion exchange, phase transition, assembly, and ion migration and redistribution. The applications of photo-processed perovskites in photovoltaic devices, lasers, photodetectors, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and optical data storage and encryption are also discussed. Finally, we provide an outlook on photo-processing of perovskites and propose the promising directions for future researches. This review is of significance to the researches and applications of perovskites and also to uncover new views on the light-matter interactions.
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