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Supplementary information for Inverse design and realization of an optical cavity-based displacement transducer with arbitrary response |
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(a) Schematic diagram of the investigated F-P cavity-based displacement transducer located in air. (b) Low-case of the stratified system. (c) Up-case of the stratified system.
Comparison of reflectance verse cavity length between the theoretical results and results obtained by RCWA and FDTD for cases of a suspended film of (a) Cr with a thickness of 10 nm, (b) Ag with a thickness of 10 nm and (c) a stack of Ag/Cr with the thickness of 10/10 nm, and the reflector is a 1 μm thick Ag.
Inverse design flow of the F-P cavity that contains the mixed-discrete variables optimization and the Monte Carlo-based tolerance analysis, wherein the matrix method-based theoretical model serves as the connection between the variable parameters and the fitness function.
Illustration of the light intensity response as a function of displacement, and the target responses, a sawtooth-like curve and a perfectly symmetric response, are shown in the inset.
Optimization results of the sawtooth-like design. (a) Light-displacement responses of 5 primary candidates of the single-layer setting among the simple substance materials for the low-case. (b) Light-displacement responses of the candidates with Ge but different moving mirror materials for the single-layer low-case setting. (c) Single-parameter tolerance analysis results of single-layer low-case settings of Ge and Te, where the circles represent the calculated fitness value for each random variable parameter, the chain dotted lines represent the original fitness values, and the blocks represent the variation range of the fitness values. (d) Light-displacement responses of primary candidates of both two-layers and single-layer settings among the whole materials for the low-case. (e) Histogram of multi-parameter tolerance analysis results of all candidates for the low-case. (f) Light-displacement responses of 5 primary candidates of the single-layer setting among the simple substance materials for the up-case. (g) Comparison of single-parameter tolerance analysis results of Ge and Te for both low- and up-cases, where blue and red colors represent the Ge and Te results, and left and right slashes represent low- and up-cases, respectively. (h) Light-displacement responses of primary candidates of both two-layers and single-layer settings among the whole materials for the up-case. (i) Histogram of multi-parameter tolerance analysis results of all candidates for the up-case.
Optimization results of the symmetric design. (a) Light-displacement responses of 5 primary candidates among the simple substance materials for the single-layer setting. (b) Single-parameter tolerance analysis results of Si/86 nm/Cr up-case setting. (c) Responses of all multi-parameter tolerance analysis results.
(a) Experimental configuration of the cavity-based displacement measurement. (b) Magnified view of the length tunable F-P cavity. (c) Cross-sectional view of mirror 1, along with the SEM images of the Ge film and the Si film in the inset.
Experimental data. (a) Output voltage of the incident light as a function of time. (b) Static outputs of the optical cavities versus displacement for two designs, each point denotes an average value at a specific displacement. (c) Linear fit of the experimental result of the sawtooth-like design. (d) Comparison of the experimental results of the sawtooth-like design and theoretical results of optimal setting and setting considering tolerance. (e) Comparison of the experimental results of the symmetric design and theoretical results of optimal setting and setting considering tolerance. (f) Results of the repeatability test for two designs.