Citation: | Tian X, Li RZ, Peng T et al. Multi-prior physics-enhanced neural network enables pixel super-resolution and twin-image-free phase retrieval from single-shot hologram. Opto-Electron Adv 7, 240060 (2024). doi: 10.29026/oea.2024.240060 |
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An overview of the proposed reconstruction method. (a) Diagrams of classical solutions based on CS and TV regularization framework. (b) DIP-based reconstruction method combined with physical model. (c) Pipeline of MPPN-PSR for hologram reconstruction. A measured hologram I of a phase object Ψ is the input to the neural networks. The output of the neural networks is taken as the estimated phase
Schematic of the experimental setup of the DIHM.
Simulated phase objects (960 × 960 pixels) and corresponding single-shot DIHM imaging results (320 × 320 pixels), in which the spatial down-sampling rate was set as θ = 3. The red scale bar measures 500 μm.
(a) Phase retrieval results of different methods on simulated holograms (three times down-sampling) via back propagation, TwIST-TV-PSR, PnP-TV-PSR, PnP-FFDNet-PSR, PN-PSR, and MPPN-PSR, respectively. The autocorrelation functions of (b) resolution chart and (c) cell with different methods. The profiles along the blue lines are also investigated while the red scale bar measures 500 μm.
MPPN-PSR results of the holograms simulated with different down-sampling rates in terms of (a) resolution chart and (b) cell, respectively. (c) the examination of ratio β, which serves as a key proportional coefficient to balance the ℓ-1 norm and ℓ-2 norm terms. (d) The evolution of the MSE with an increasing number of epochs. The profiles along the blue lines are also investigated while the red scale bar measures 500 μm.
Reconstruction results of different methods at different noise levels, the red scale bar measures 500 μm. (a) Reconstruction results of resolution chart, the down-sampling rate θ = 2. (b) Reconstruction results of cell, the down-sampling rate θ = 3.
Quantitative analysis of the effect of noise on the reconstruction results using different methods. (a) and (b) are the trends of PSNR and SSIM indices of reconstruction results of resolution chart when the down-sampling rate θ = 2, while (c) and (d) are those of cell when the down-sampling rate θ = 3.
The practicality and persuasiveness of the MPPN-PSR method in real-world applications was evaluated by standard imaging and pixel binning modes of the camera. The pixel pitch varied from (a) 6.5 μm to (b) 13 μm, representing the resolution has been reduced to 1/4 of the original. The blue and green boxes respectively select the ROI of the hologram and results reconstructed by different methods.
Experimental images of the phase step (a1–a7) and PMMA beads (b1–b7) processed with back propagation, TwIST-TV-PSR, PnP-FFDNet-PSR, PN-PSR, and MPPN-PSR methods, respectively. The down-sampling rate is θ = 3, consistent with all subsequent experiments. The cross-section phase profiles (along the blue lines) were also measured in insets and the corresponding optical thickness maps are shown. The reconstruction size is 1200×1200 pixels, corresponding to the FOV of 130×130 µm2. The red scale bar measures 20 µm.
Imaging results of (a) butterfly wing and (b) fish ovary with different methods, including the reconstructed phase maps and the magnified views of selected regions. The reconstruction size is 1536 × 1536 pixels, i.e. θ = 3, corresponding to the FOV of 166×166 µm2. The red scale bar measures 25 µm.
Imaging results of (a) TOMM20 antibody and (b) frog intestine by different methods. The reconstruction size is 2700 × 2700 pixels, i.e. θ=3, corresponding to the FOV of 293×293 µm2. The red scale bar measures 40 µm.
The autocorrelation functions of (a) butterfly wing and (b) fish ovary with different methods.
The experimental result of MPPN-PSR to reconstruct the full-FOV high-resolution phase image of a quantitative phase target. (a) The full-FOV LR defocused hologram, and the phase image reconstructed by TwIST-TV-PSR and PN-PSR. (b) The full-FOV PSR phase image reconstructed by MPPN-PSR from a single frame of LR hologram. (c) The LR bright field images of three ROIs. (d) The phase images of the three ROIs reconstructed by MPPN-PSR, TwIST-TV-PSR and PN-PSR, respectively. (e) The results of cascading non-PSR reconstruction with outstanding pixel super-resolution networks, i.e. BSRGAN and BSRNet, have also been demonstrated, although this approach represents over-smooth and artifacts. The profiles along the blue and orange-colored lines are also investigated.
(a) The full-FOV PSR phase reconstruction of the TOMM20 antibody by MPPN-PSR, (b) and the comparison of PSR phase images of two ROIs. (c) The corresponding optical thickness maps are shown as well. (d) BSRGAN and BSRNet networks introduce unsatisfactory artifacts with non PSR reconstruction as well. The purple area represents the FOV that a 40× objective lens can bring.