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Supplementary information for Self-polarized RGB device realized by semipolar micro-LEDs and perovskite-in-polymer films for backlight applications |
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Structure of an LCD based on semipolar blue μLEDs excite anisotropic perovskite NCs as backlight.
(a) Photograph of CsPbBr3 NR solution under 365 nm UV lamp irradiation. (b) XRD patterns. (c) Absorption and PL spectra and (d–f) typical TEM images of the CsPbBr3 NRs.
(a) Fabrication process. (b) Longevity of the PL properties and (c) polarization characteristics of the composite film. (d) Absorption of polarized light by anisotropic NRs aligned in stretched films. (e) Schematic setup for the PL polarization measurement of the NR composite films with linearly polarized excitation. (f) Polarized characteristics of the stretched NR composite films with // and ⊥ polarized light excitation. (g) PL spectra of the stretched NRs composite films with // and ⊥ polarized excitation in the direction parallel to the film stretching.
(a) Photograph of hybrid NC solution under UV excitation. (b) XRD patterns. (c) Absorption and PL spectra and (d) and (e) typical TEM images of hybrid NCs. (f) Longevity of the PL properties of the hybrid NCs and pure CsPbI3 QD composite films.
(a) FTIR spectrum of composite (embedded) film and pure EVA. (b) Mechanism of interaction among hybrid NCs and EVA. (c) Formation mechanism of NC-AWs in the polymer films. (d) Model of NC-AWs embedded in the polymer. (e) Model for achieving highly polarized emission from hybrid NC-AWs embedded in polymers. (f) Polarization characteristics of the hybrid NC composite film before and after stretching with unpolarized light excitation. (g) Polarized PL of the stretched NC composite films with // and ⊥ polarized excitation. (h) PL spectra of the stretched NC composite films with // and ⊥ polarized excitation on the direction parallel to film stretching.
(a) Schematic diagram of semipolar µLED array. (b) SEM image of the epitaxial wafer. (c) EQE of semipolar and c-plane μLEDs. (d) Peak wavelength shift and FWHM, and (e) polarization characteristics of the semipolar µLED array.
(a) Fabrication process and (b) photograph of the proposed RGB polarized μLED device. (c) EL spectra and (d) color gamut of the system under various current densities.
(a) Polarization measurements of blue light after exciting the composite films comprising green NRs and red NCs. (b, c) Polarization characteristics of the RGB polarized device. (d) Benchmark of the DOLP for perovskite NCs. (e, f) Comparison of emission spectra for the device after transmission through the polarizer, aligned with the stretching direction, under excitation by c-plane and semipolar blue μLED arrays. In (e), both have the same LOP of 5.8 mW; in (f), both operate at an injection current of 20 mA.