Citation: | Armbruster O, Pöhl H, Kautek W. Hot electron electrochemistry at silver activated by femtosecond laser pulses. Opto-Electron Adv 6, 220170 (2023). doi: 10.29026/oea.2023.220170 |
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Supplementary information for Hot electron electrochemistry at silver activated by femtosecond laser pulses |
Calculated electron temperature Te of silver for various incident laser fluences F according to Equation (2) with γe = 62.8 J m−3 K−2, μ = 142 nm, and β = 0.15.
Block diagram of the laser-electrochemical system. μWE: silver working microelectrode; CE: platinum counter electrode; fs-CPO: femtosecond chirped pulse oscillator; E: laser pulse energy; τ: pulse duration; OBJ: microscope objective; R: 1 MΩ resistor; DAQ: digital-to-analog converter output; φ: applied electrode potential; HPA: high pass amplifier; Δφ: transient voltage signal; OSC: digital storage oscilloscope.
(a) Exemplary Δφ(t) transient voltage measurement averaged over 100 single laser pulses. τ = (55 ± 1) fs, F0 = (64 ± 7) mJ cm-2, ϕ = (–460 ± 40) mV vs. SHE. The inset enlarges the region around t = 0 and shows the extracted peak voltage change Δφ0 = (19.7 ± 0.1) mV. (b) Comparison of Δφ(t) transient voltage measurements recorded at various laser peak fluences F0.
Imaginary part X of an exemplary impedance measurement corresponding to the Δφ(t) transient in Fig. 3. The solid line shows the constant phase element fit.
Logarithmic plot of the emitted hot electron charge Q for two pulse durations, τ = (55 ± 1) fs (red circles) and τ = (213 ± 1) fs (blue stars), plotted over the applied electrode bias φ and peak laser fluence F0. The gray surface is calculated from Eq. (5) but for a constant factor with γe = 62.8 J m−3 K−2, μ = 142 nm, β = 0.15, and φ0 = 3.41 eV at 0 V vs. SHE.
Schematic electronic Fermi-Dirac distribution n on the metal and density of states (DOS) as function of the electronic energy ε of H3O+ and H0.