Citation: | Chen Q, Liang L, Zheng Q L, Zhang Y X, Wen L. On-chip readout plasmonic mid-IR gas sensor. Opto-Electron Adv 3, 190040 (2020). doi: 10.29026/oea.2020.190040 |
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Supplementary information for On-chip readout plasmonic mid-IR gas sensor |
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(a) Schematic of a multilayer stack (Au/Si3N4/VO2/Si3N4) coated silicon gratings for on-chip gas sensing. (b) Sensing mechanism. The variation of gas concentration induces an increase/decrease of light absorbance of the microstructures and then causes a temperature increase/decrease, which generates an electrical signal via VO2.
(a) Simulated absorption spectra at different ngas for the device structure in Fig. 1(a). The period of gratings P = 3.3 µm, the grating depth hg = 160 nm, and the grating width wg = (w1+w2)/2 = 3 µm. (b) Q factor and FoM at various ngas. (c) The electric field distribution at the resonance peak (λ = 3.3 μm) at ngas = 1. (d) Poynting vector at the resonance. (e) The calculated absorption spectra as functions of wavelength and incident angle. (f) Sensitivities of different order modes versus the incident angle.
(a) Schematic of on-chip mid-IR gas sensor based on an SOI platform, where the silicon substrate in the area underneath the sensor is removed to reduce the thermal dissipation. The thickness of each layer in the Au/Si3N4/VO2/Si3N4/Si stack is 200 nm, 50 nm, 100 nm, 500 nm and 4 μm, respectively. The thickness of the oxide layer is 1 µm. P = 3.3 µm, hg = 220 nm, wg = 3 µm. (b) Simulated temperature distribution across the sensor with the illumination on and off when the power density of light is 3.75 W/cm2 at 3.348 μm and corresponding absorption efficiency is 58%. (c) Temperature maximum under different wavelength illumination at the same power density and the absorption spectra of the gratings. The period number of the grating is 100. (d) Absorption spectra for variation of different environmental RI. (e) Absorption at 3.345 µm illumination and the associated device temperature versus the variation of different environmental RI.
(a) Schematic of on-chip mid-IR gas sensor array based on an air bridge structure. The grating region has a size of 330 µm × 50 µm. The Au/Si3N4/VO2/Si3N4 stack is shown in the inset and the thicknesses are 200 nm/50 nm/100 nm/500 nm, respectively. The stack is supported by the Si3N4/W bridges on Si substrate. (b) Temperature and relative electrical resistance variation of the sensors versus the variation of different environment gas RI. 'PD' means the power density of the incident light. (c) Simulated temperature distribution across the sensor with and without illumination at a wavelength of 3.348 µm with a power density of 1 W/cm2 and the absorption is 58%.
(a) Absorption spectra of a similar sensor as shown in Fig. 4 with an additional MOF layer placed on the top surface in pure Ar2 and a mixture of Ar(90%)/CO2(10%). The result in a mixture of Ar(90%)/CO2(10%) ignoring the absorbance of CO2 is also shown for comparison. P = 1.99 µm, hg = 100 nm, wg = 1.25 µm. RIs of CO2 and MOF refer to literatures57, 60. For a same membrane size (330 μm×50 μm) with the one in Fig. 4, there are 165 gratings in this case. (b) Simulated temperature distribution across the sensor illuminated at a wavelength of 2.71 µm with a power density of 1 W/cm2 in a mixture of Ar(90%)/CO2(10%).
Gas molecular fingerprint spectrum reconstruction with the monolithically integrated plasmonic gas sensor array Φ(λ).